Friday, November 18, 2011

EDU 558 Journal - Class #11 - Multimedia

To meet the requirements for adding multimedia to my webpage, I added a video that several of my students created for a project they did in their Calculus class.  Even though it was for another class, the methods they used were taught in my class.  I also included the video in my blog and I also changed the HTML to center align the video in my blog post.  Throughout my website, are several images that I have edited and cropped to size to enhance the look of my site.  In the future, I can upload images of student work to showcase their abilities in a digital Art Gallery.

Because I teach a variety of mediums (Art and Technology), I have the opportunity to include several media resources throughout my website.  I want my site to include tutorials as well as showcase my students' work.

Friday, November 11, 2011

EDU 558 Journal - Class #10 - Javascript and Web Page Update

There is so much to know about Javascript.  The reason why there is so much to much to know is because there is so much you can do with it if you know how to use it properly.  It took me some time to get it figured out.  Its best to start out simple and slow and then work your way up to more advanced techniques.  Luckily, there are a ton of tools that have already been created that you can include in your own website.  I added a simple time clock in my blog that can tell you what time it is in every region in the world.  Its interesting what else I can find along the way as I improve my site.

Reflect on your overall progress of your website in your journal.
The overall progress of my site has been going decently.  There is so much that I can add to my site and everything would be great to include.  However, I don’t want my site to be cluttered and over the top.  So deciding what I want included in my site has been a challenge.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

EDU 558 Journal - Class #9 - Embedding Objects

Add at least one dynamic element to either your blog or your website and comment in your blog what you entered. Then, comment in your blog/journal on how you will address this area of the rubric with your website with the information from this class (NOTE: We haven’t discussed javascript yet, so you may modify this after next week’s class). When you have finished with all of the activities (the Forms forum, the presentation forum, and the journal for this week), copy your url in the Week 9 – Upload Journal for Week 9 assignment.

I added a Google Search tool to the side of my blog/journal.  I also added the survey we completed to my journal by embedding the code into the blog.  I am still searching for more dynamic  elements that I can include on my site.  I would like to find one that includes art but I am sure I can find one that involves technology.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

EDU 558 Journal - Class #7 - Google Docs Survey

EDU 558 Journal - Class #7 - Page Structure

Read Web Style Guide information about Page Structure ( ) and answer the following questions in your journal:
·         What information will you put in your page header?
        The page header of my site will include the title of my page.  There will also be different navigation tabs for my viewers to search through.

·         Will you be incorporating scan columns? If so, what specifically will be included?
        Including scan columns to help navigate through the main areas of my site would be a great asset.  However, I will just rely on the tabs that are already available to use for navigation. 

·         How will you organize the content on your page?
The content of my page will be organized to make sure the information provided is clear and consistent.  Making sure the site is visually appealing is very important to me and I want to make sure my viewers can use the site without confusion instead of being turned off by clutter and disorganization. 

·         What will you include in your page footer?
        The footer of my site will include my basic information (name, schools, address, and school contact information).

Saturday, October 1, 2011

EDU 558 Journal - Class #6 - Site Structure

Read Web Style Guide chapter about Site Structure ( and answer the following questions in your journal:
·         In the rubric for the final project, you have the option of designing or modifying the CSS-related template (Target) OR to use an existing template (Met). In your web resource, will you be using a template already designed by the site or will you design / modify your own template?
I will be using Weebly for my web site.  Weebly allow you to modify the already installed templates to fit your needs.  I will modify items such as font, color, etc.  I will also add other templates to my Weebly site specifically for the needs of myself and audience.

·         Do some investigation in the web hosting site that you are using. How does the site relate (or, how do you think the site relates) to the information on For example, does the site have an overall CSS sheet and then individual html sheets? Are there include files? How does setting up a well designed semantic markup make site maintenance easier?
The Weebly site has its own CSS sheets and also allows you to include your own HTML sheets.  The Weebly site is easy to maintain and update whenever you need to.  The semantic markup will make it easy to locate what you are looking to change, such as font color for the header or background color in the body of the text.

·         What is the site structure for your website? How will you name files/posts to make sure they are easy to organize and maintain?
For my site, the structure will include a home page with different tabs that will take the viewer to different content areas (About Me, Artwork, Photo Gallery, Links, Blog/Journal, and Classroom Info).  My viewers can access any of these areas by clicking on the tabs at any time or any page they are on.  Every file will be named accordingly to their content to help keep the site functional and maintained.

·         What could you include in your page to make it easy to find in a search engine? Or, do you WANT your page to be easy to find?
I would like my page easy to find because I would like to help other art teachers have access to the different resources that I find and use.  I know it is very helpful when I can look up different resources to use in my classroom and I want to help other teachers in the same way.  To help make my page easy to find in a search engine, using keywords within the titles and text are important.  My Journal will also allow me to enter in key words or labels to help identify that particular post's subject.
CSS Activity
                1.  Blog
·   Centered the Blog Title and made bold for visual purposes.
·   Changed size of font in title, header and body text or visual purposes.
·   Changed the background color of the post to a dark gray color to help make the text easier to read.
                2.  Website
With using a Weebly site, changing the HTML and CSS is simple.  Whenever I want to change something, I can just search for the code for that specific areas (font, color, background, etc.) and make my necessary changes.  Making these changes are simple as long as you know basic code.